Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Back to square One

After so much excitement over Kakak independence...she's not sleeping on her own AGAIN. Her reason is she's scared. Hmm...I think I have to put my feet down soon as possible.

Apart from that, I have to send Adik to my parents house for this fasting month coz you see all these while due to Adik's medical condition, my parents have been so helpfull and lend lend me their maid. Since dearest mom need some assistance during this fasting month then the best thing is to send Adik back to my hometown in Batu Gajah, Perak. So that mean I have to do the weekly travelling again and we'll be missing him. Not sure how he's gonna take it coz Adik is so close with kakak. He don't want to go to bed until he played enough with kakak. I guess he'll miss us too

The good news is I'm getting my own maid in October. Not sure how she looks like and hope she's good to both kids. I will update on that next time.


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