Mohd Khushairy
Khushairy was born on 22nd December 2006 at 11.25pm at 29 weeks and 6 days gestation and weigh 1.13kg slightly heavier than a pack of sugar. He spent almost 6 months in NICU. No words could described how I feel,with all the tears that fall, the heart ache, the sorrow, the feeling of helpless, the non-sleeping nights and many more underscribeable feelings, Khushairy's birth has taught me to look at life differently as I used to, his birth and his fight for life has taught me and remind me that Allah is GREAT and full of blessings to his creatures and his birth has taught me to be a stronger person.
I've keep a note on his development and here is his story:
2 weeks before 22 December 2006
I woke up in the morning and discovered that my waterbag leaks. With consultation from my cousin (who is also one of my Gynae) dearest hubby admitted me to Hospital Selayang instead of DEMC in Shah Alam where I have my monthly check due to cost as to have a preemie and to be bed rest would be very costly and thinking back we are very grateful to her as the 5 months bill just cost us RM500 instead of RM100,000.00 as she put it we might need to sell our car, house and other asset.
22December 2006
I guess my waterbag just dried up and I've started having contraction. Dr Goh a sweet chinese doctor advised that I should deliver the baby before any further complication to the baby. My labour was very intensed. I was bleeding heavily at each contraction and at last at 11.25 pm at single push Khushairy was born and immediately taken to NICU. I was allowed to look at him for just few second before they rush him to NICU.
23 December 2006
I was discharged and before we go home, I met my son for the first time. There's no words to described how I feel. He's so small and have wires all around him. I'm so afraid to touch him coz he looks so fragile. They intubated him earlier that day as he's having difficulties in breathing.
25 December 2006
We received a call from the NICU at 11.50pm asking us to come over asap. Khushairy was having Pnuemothorax on his left lungs and as the result he suffered IVH grade 1. We stayed a while before heading home coz the doctor said he'll be fine and there nothing much we can do anyway.
27 December 2006
We received another call, this time he had a cardiac arrest, pnuemothorax and as the result IVH grade 2 and possible HIE. I can still remember the feeling that I felt that night, I was crying non stop, my eyes were swollen, my head feel so heavy. Imagine looking at a small baby (at at time he's about 980 gram)with wires around him, 4 tubes through his chest, 1 tube thru his mouth, 1 thru the nose and IV lines in both hands...and he looks so sick that I remember asking god to take him coz I can't bear looking at him suffering though the specialist said that she given him morphine so that he won't feel the pain and sedated him...hey...let me poke you all over you body and you can tell me there's no pain.Duhhh anyway we stayed with him till 6 am and that's the beginning of my daily trips to NICU to be with Khushairy.
Adik have long list of medical issues. This is his NICU medical conditions:
1.Preemie — Khushairy was born at 29 weeks gestation (almost 13 weeks too early), weighing 1kg.
2. Jaundice/Hyperbilirubinemia -- "Hyper" means high; "emia" means in the blood. Hyperbilirubinemia is a high level of bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice is the yellow color to the skin that is often seen in the first few days after birth. The yellow color is due to bilirubin. Khushairy was under the bili lights for 4 days.
3. Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) -- Intraventricular hemorrhage means bleeding into the normal fluid spaces (ventricles) within the brain. Khushairy had grade 2 IVH. The grade range from 1 to 4 with 4 being the worst. With IVH there's also other related medical condition attached to it such as PVL.
4. Respiratory Distress Syndrome -- Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is the most common lung disease of premature infants. RDS occurs in babies with incomplete lung development. The more premature the infant, the greater likelihood of RDS. RDS is due to insufficient surfactant in the lungs. Surfactant is a material normally produced by the lung that spreads like a film over the tiny air sacs allowing them to stay open. Open air sacs are essential for oxygen to enter the blood from the lung and for carbon dioxide to be released from the blood into the lung for exhalation. Khushairy was on ventilator for 2 weeks, CPAP 1 weeks and Nasal prong another 3 weeks. Alhamdullillah he wean off the oxygen supply pretty fast
5. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia-- BPD is a reaction of the premature lung to its disease and to the oxygen and mechanical ventilation that were needed to treat the infants lung disease. Occasionally very premature infants get BPD even if they did not need mechanical ventilation or much extra oxygen after birth.
6. Pneumothorax -- where the air is trapped inside the chest between the chest wall and the lung, causing the lung to collapse. Khushairy has 4 chest tubes inserted to his lungs at the same time for the whole week. This is the most sad things that had happen to him. To see own fragile son hooked on multiple wires and some being inserted thru his tiny body is just too much to handle. But at the same time to see him fighting for his life had taught me to be strong too. I can say he change my perspective about life and had make me stronger person.
7. Apnea and Bradycardia -- Apnea is a pause in breathing that has one or more of the following characteristics: lasts more than 15-20 seconds, is associated with the baby's color changing to pale, purplish or blue, is associated with bradycardia or a slowing of the heart rate. Bradycardia is a slowing of the heart rate, usually to less than 80 beats per minute for a premature baby. Bradycardia often follows apnea or periods of very shallow breathing. Khushairy had his share of A&B spells, I've seen him looking grey.
8. Anemia (requiring many blood transfusions) -- Anemia is having too few red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body. Khushairy had about 6 times blood transfusion during his stay in NICU.
9. Reflux -- Normally the muscles of the food pipe propel the food or liquid down to the stomach by a series of squeezes. Once in the stomach, the food or drink is mixed with acid to start digestion. When this mixing occurs, the mucles at the lower end of the esophagus should become tight keeping the food from backing up. In premature infants and some term infants these mucles are not yet fully developed and coordinated. They sometimes relax when they should be squeezing. This allows the liquid to come back up again. In Khushairy's case his milk came out from his nose as he's being fed thru his mouth..yep another ugly sight.
10. Feeding Difficulty -- Khushairy have dufficulties in co-ordinating his sucking and swallowing. Due to that they feed im thru NG tube. There's discussion with the doctor to consider putting G tube (inserted thru his stomach). Both of us insist to continue with OT to work with him and slowly he mastered the art of drinking by cups...yes till today he takes his milk thru cups.
As the result of all the above:
At first Khushairy cannot sucks and swallow. Everybody in the NICU thinks he shows early sign of Cerebral Palsy. With love from the nurse that care for him to name few is SN Yuslaiza (his favorite nurse a very sweet young lady, he'll finish off his milk each time she feed him), SN Salina, SN Masni and JM Suriani they patiently thought him how to drink his milk by cups rather than NG tube and from just 1 ml a day to 5 oz. WIth that Dr cancel the plan to have Gtube be inserted to his tummy. But now Adik can swallow but he still don't scuk
Alhamdullillah he continue to defy all the doctors prediction. Amzaingly at each time they gave us all the negative news about him, the very next week he defy their predictions.
Now at 8 mths actual (5 1/2 mths adjusted)he achieved:
1. Cooing at 4 mths (1 1/2 mths actual
2. Rolling at 6 mths (3 1/2 mths actual)
2. Roll back from tummy to back at 6 1/2 mth (4 mths adjusted)
3. Reaching for toys a bit delay at 7 mths (4 1/2 mths adjusted)and he never stop playing with his toys
4. Arm crawl at 7 1/2 mth (5 mths adjusted). He is very mobile now at home.
The only thing about Khushairy that I'm worried is he's a damn serious kid. It's so hard to get a smile from him. But you can see if he's contented he have such a sweet face. For the last 2 weeks instead of smiling like other babies, he just giggles but only if ShaSha teasing him.
Khushairy simply love to eat. He's not a fussy eater (like umi's I guess). He loves his rice porridge and cereals and can finish 5 scoops of cereals.
Alhamdullillah Khushairy continues to excell physically and he have many more appointments with the OT and PT but Umi will be there for Khushairy.
I've keep a note on his development and here is his story:
2 weeks before 22 December 2006
I woke up in the morning and discovered that my waterbag leaks. With consultation from my cousin (who is also one of my Gynae) dearest hubby admitted me to Hospital Selayang instead of DEMC in Shah Alam where I have my monthly check due to cost as to have a preemie and to be bed rest would be very costly and thinking back we are very grateful to her as the 5 months bill just cost us RM500 instead of RM100,000.00 as she put it we might need to sell our car, house and other asset.
22December 2006
I guess my waterbag just dried up and I've started having contraction. Dr Goh a sweet chinese doctor advised that I should deliver the baby before any further complication to the baby. My labour was very intensed. I was bleeding heavily at each contraction and at last at 11.25 pm at single push Khushairy was born and immediately taken to NICU. I was allowed to look at him for just few second before they rush him to NICU.
23 December 2006
I was discharged and before we go home, I met my son for the first time. There's no words to described how I feel. He's so small and have wires all around him. I'm so afraid to touch him coz he looks so fragile. They intubated him earlier that day as he's having difficulties in breathing.
25 December 2006
We received a call from the NICU at 11.50pm asking us to come over asap. Khushairy was having Pnuemothorax on his left lungs and as the result he suffered IVH grade 1. We stayed a while before heading home coz the doctor said he'll be fine and there nothing much we can do anyway.
27 December 2006
We received another call, this time he had a cardiac arrest, pnuemothorax and as the result IVH grade 2 and possible HIE. I can still remember the feeling that I felt that night, I was crying non stop, my eyes were swollen, my head feel so heavy. Imagine looking at a small baby (at at time he's about 980 gram)with wires around him, 4 tubes through his chest, 1 tube thru his mouth, 1 thru the nose and IV lines in both hands...and he looks so sick that I remember asking god to take him coz I can't bear looking at him suffering though the specialist said that she given him morphine so that he won't feel the pain and sedated him...hey...let me poke you all over you body and you can tell me there's no pain.Duhhh anyway we stayed with him till 6 am and that's the beginning of my daily trips to NICU to be with Khushairy.
Adik have long list of medical issues. This is his NICU medical conditions:
1.Preemie — Khushairy was born at 29 weeks gestation (almost 13 weeks too early), weighing 1kg.
2. Jaundice/Hyperbilirubinemia -- "Hyper" means high; "emia" means in the blood. Hyperbilirubinemia is a high level of bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice is the yellow color to the skin that is often seen in the first few days after birth. The yellow color is due to bilirubin. Khushairy was under the bili lights for 4 days.
3. Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) -- Intraventricular hemorrhage means bleeding into the normal fluid spaces (ventricles) within the brain. Khushairy had grade 2 IVH. The grade range from 1 to 4 with 4 being the worst. With IVH there's also other related medical condition attached to it such as PVL.
4. Respiratory Distress Syndrome -- Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is the most common lung disease of premature infants. RDS occurs in babies with incomplete lung development. The more premature the infant, the greater likelihood of RDS. RDS is due to insufficient surfactant in the lungs. Surfactant is a material normally produced by the lung that spreads like a film over the tiny air sacs allowing them to stay open. Open air sacs are essential for oxygen to enter the blood from the lung and for carbon dioxide to be released from the blood into the lung for exhalation. Khushairy was on ventilator for 2 weeks, CPAP 1 weeks and Nasal prong another 3 weeks. Alhamdullillah he wean off the oxygen supply pretty fast
5. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia-- BPD is a reaction of the premature lung to its disease and to the oxygen and mechanical ventilation that were needed to treat the infants lung disease. Occasionally very premature infants get BPD even if they did not need mechanical ventilation or much extra oxygen after birth.
6. Pneumothorax -- where the air is trapped inside the chest between the chest wall and the lung, causing the lung to collapse. Khushairy has 4 chest tubes inserted to his lungs at the same time for the whole week. This is the most sad things that had happen to him. To see own fragile son hooked on multiple wires and some being inserted thru his tiny body is just too much to handle. But at the same time to see him fighting for his life had taught me to be strong too. I can say he change my perspective about life and had make me stronger person.
7. Apnea and Bradycardia -- Apnea is a pause in breathing that has one or more of the following characteristics: lasts more than 15-20 seconds, is associated with the baby's color changing to pale, purplish or blue, is associated with bradycardia or a slowing of the heart rate. Bradycardia is a slowing of the heart rate, usually to less than 80 beats per minute for a premature baby. Bradycardia often follows apnea or periods of very shallow breathing. Khushairy had his share of A&B spells, I've seen him looking grey.
8. Anemia (requiring many blood transfusions) -- Anemia is having too few red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body. Khushairy had about 6 times blood transfusion during his stay in NICU.
9. Reflux -- Normally the muscles of the food pipe propel the food or liquid down to the stomach by a series of squeezes. Once in the stomach, the food or drink is mixed with acid to start digestion. When this mixing occurs, the mucles at the lower end of the esophagus should become tight keeping the food from backing up. In premature infants and some term infants these mucles are not yet fully developed and coordinated. They sometimes relax when they should be squeezing. This allows the liquid to come back up again. In Khushairy's case his milk came out from his nose as he's being fed thru his mouth..yep another ugly sight.
10. Feeding Difficulty -- Khushairy have dufficulties in co-ordinating his sucking and swallowing. Due to that they feed im thru NG tube. There's discussion with the doctor to consider putting G tube (inserted thru his stomach). Both of us insist to continue with OT to work with him and slowly he mastered the art of drinking by cups...yes till today he takes his milk thru cups.
As the result of all the above:
At first Khushairy cannot sucks and swallow. Everybody in the NICU thinks he shows early sign of Cerebral Palsy. With love from the nurse that care for him to name few is SN Yuslaiza (his favorite nurse a very sweet young lady, he'll finish off his milk each time she feed him), SN Salina, SN Masni and JM Suriani they patiently thought him how to drink his milk by cups rather than NG tube and from just 1 ml a day to 5 oz. WIth that Dr cancel the plan to have Gtube be inserted to his tummy. But now Adik can swallow but he still don't scuk
Alhamdullillah he continue to defy all the doctors prediction. Amzaingly at each time they gave us all the negative news about him, the very next week he defy their predictions.
Now at 8 mths actual (5 1/2 mths adjusted)he achieved:
1. Cooing at 4 mths (1 1/2 mths actual
2. Rolling at 6 mths (3 1/2 mths actual)
2. Roll back from tummy to back at 6 1/2 mth (4 mths adjusted)
3. Reaching for toys a bit delay at 7 mths (4 1/2 mths adjusted)and he never stop playing with his toys
4. Arm crawl at 7 1/2 mth (5 mths adjusted). He is very mobile now at home.
The only thing about Khushairy that I'm worried is he's a damn serious kid. It's so hard to get a smile from him. But you can see if he's contented he have such a sweet face. For the last 2 weeks instead of smiling like other babies, he just giggles but only if ShaSha teasing him.
Khushairy simply love to eat. He's not a fussy eater (like umi's I guess). He loves his rice porridge and cereals and can finish 5 scoops of cereals.
Alhamdullillah Khushairy continues to excell physically and he have many more appointments with the OT and PT but Umi will be there for Khushairy.